Part-Day Workshops
Part-day workshops offer you an opportunity to transform a self-limiting story into a new story that inspires you and allows you to claim a fuller, more loving sense of self.
Part-day workshops last one to three hours. We use watercolor pencils, pastels, or acylics on watercolor paper.
Contact me to finalize the details and logistics for your own private workshop.
House of the Heart
In House of the Heart, you’ll look at an old story you’ve been telling yourself and explore the possibility of looking at it through a new perspective, one that will open you up to a new story and belief about yourself.
Do you ever question your sense of belonging within yourself, your family, your friend- or work- group? Do you ever want more clarity about how you connect to others and how you fit in? Many beliefs we have about ourselves and our sense of belonging within our relationships are rooted in experiences we had growing up.
Soul Garden
In Soul Garden, you’ll metaphorically assess the condition of your inner garden and look at what amendments are needed to build secure foundations, strong connections, nourishing energies, and colorful wisdom in the plants already growing and in those yet to be planted.
What might the plants in your soul garden reveal to you about what is awakening and what wants to happen next? How grows the garden of your soul? Have you ever felt a bit like you’re in the dark regarding what your next steps are?
In Unbound, you’ll take stock of the resources you already have but may have forgotten, overlooked, or not acknowledged. Using a sailboat image (or other symbol of your choosing), you as captain will metaphorically look at where you’re going, decide what direction to take, stock the galley, engage the crew, and set sail.
Are you in transition, e.g., moving to a new location, starting a new job, or endeavoring to do something you have never done before? It’s not unusual to have doubts and crises of self-confidence when your life changes. You are not alone in this. You can indeed do what you are setting out to do! What is your soul longing for you to know during this time?
Return Release Renew
Return, Release, Renew is a workshop perfect for taking stock at the New Year (or at anytime of looking ahead). We'll look at what we've been tending in the previous year, what we wish to let go of, and what is calling us. We’ll access our inner wisdom and guidance for the coming New Year.
Medicine Basket
In Medicine Basket, we explore what your gifts are, acknowledge them, and look at how to bring them consciously into the world. Do you know what your unique light is? All of us are born with gifts that we are here to share with others, but not all of us are aware of what these gifts are.
Making Space
In Making Space, we’ll compost feelings that are holding us back and unearth some of our personal gifts that will lighten our hearts and illuminate our way forward.
Have you ever felt helpless (angry, fearful, sad, overwhelmed, etc.) in the face of what’s going on in your life? What if you could transform a feeling of helplessness into hope? What if you could make space for more than the thoughts that cloud your way, to feel the power in the gifts you have that can and do make the world better?
Etz Shalom (Tree of Peace)
With all that's going on in the world, both globally and personally, it's easy to become overwhelmed. In Etz Shalom, we’ll use an image of a tree (or a grove) to explore our sense of connection to community, our sources of strength and nourishment, and our ability to share our gifts and blessings with others.