Full-Day Workshops

Full-day workshops offer you an opportunity to transform self-limiting stories into new stories in a deeper way. This deep exploration is inspiring and healing and allows you to claim a fuller, more loving sense of self.

In a full-day workshop, I’ll lead you through a 13-step Intentional Creativity® painting process that offers you an opportunity for a deeper exploration into a theme. 

Full-day workshops last four to six hours per day for one or two days. We’ll paint on canvas using acrylic paints.

Contact me to finalize the details and logistics for your own private workshop. 


  • When we are faced with a big change in life, we sometimes ask ourselves who we are and what our purpose and path are at this time in our lives. On our journey in this workshop, we’ll meet our inner Pathfinder who will connect us with our own wisdom.

  • Envisioning the upcoming life change as a portal delineating life now and life after the change, we will go on an artistic journey via storytelling on canvas, allowing us to acknowledge our challenges and resources as well as to express hopes and dreams while imagining our future path in life.

For the Love of Grandmothers

  • For the Love of Grandmothers is an opportunity for you to meet the Grandmother archetype within you. She may surprise you in how she presents her essence to you—warm, embracing, strong, fierce, opinionated, quiet.

  • How often have you given yourself the opportunity to celebrate being a grandmother, honor the grandmothers and grandmother figures you have known, or dream about what it might be like to be a grandmother in the future? How would it be to honor your place in a long lineage of ancestral daughters, mothers, and grandmothers?

    She will show herself in the form that you need her to be when you call upon her—Wise Woman, Healer, Protector, Mediator, Crone, Sacred Feminine? What message or guidance does she have for you? What gifts does she have to give you, and what might they mean to you?

Open Doors

  • In Open Doors, we will bring forth both our gifts of light and gifts of shadow so that we have more agency in our interactions to open the door of communication with the people in our lives.

  • In every relationship our ability to communicate well can have its challenges and its times of ebb and flow. We all have gifts that we can bring to a relationship that can nourish positive interactions. These gifts may come easily but aren't acknowledged while other gifts are kept more in the shadow.

Find Your Inner Travel Guide

  • In Finding Your Inner Travel Guide, we journey to the fork in the road and explore what each option offers us. We discover the tools we need to listen to our deeper selves and the strength required to make a choice in the itinerary of our lives.

  • There are times in our lives when it is difficult to decide between two options because choosing one means disappointing someone, either you or someone else.

Inside Out

  • In Inside Outside, we’ll explore how the seen and unseen parts of ourselves are interconnected and look at how we wish to journey between our inner and outer worlds.

  • Do you ever focus on your external life to the exclusion of your inner life, or vice versa, developing one aspect of your being at the expense of others? Have you ever thought you’d like to have more congruency between who you are in the outside world and who you are inside? We have our inner and outer selves, essentially worlds onto themselves—our outer being of personality and behavior who we present to others and our inner self with its world of feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and perspectives that only we know unless we choose to share with others. Coming to a clearer understanding about how we relate to our inside and outside selves opens us up to the possibility of living our lives with more personal congruence, often leading to more health and a greater sense of well-being.

Letting Go

  • Have you ever felt stuck or scared to take the next step were you to even know what the next step would be? In Letting Go, we explore what’s holding us back and what emerges in its place to bring us light, aliveness, and a sense of freedom within.

“It’s not just about creativity; it is about the person you’re BECOMING while you’re creating.”
— Charlie Peacock